Click any bird to hear the sounds they make! Click a second time to pause the sound. Use our quick, clickable guide for identifying backyard birds by the sounds they make! Chose any of these popular species to hear its typical bird sounds, from vocalizations of parrots to the chirping of songbirds. Duck Hunting Calls. Professional Duck Calls Designed with hunters in mind. Play, Stop or Change calls on the run by simply clicking the call name you want. Duck Hunting Calls. 00:35 – Adult male. Bellbird/korimako adult alarm call (MP3, 1,300K) (opens in new window) 01:22 – Adult sitting in a tree near a track giving an alarm call. Adult black stilt/kakī song (MP3, 2,380K) (opens in new window) 02:36 – Territorial and alarm calls of two adults protecting their young.
- Electronic Duck Call Sounds free. download full
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- Electronic Duck Call Sounds Free Download Windows 10
The sounds listed below represent the world's largest studio-grade sound library of North American animals. Every sound in our library is an authentic professional recording and labeled correctly. Many of the sounds in our library are the only known recordings of that animal. All of the sounds in our library are studio-grade quality. You may choose from the sounds listed below to create your own sound list. Our wildlife caller can store up to 1000 sounds at a time. If you want to buy additional sounds, the cost per sound is $10. with a 6 sound minimum. We recommend picking several sounds to use as complements to the distresses, to create more realistic sound environments for the target animals. This ensures greater calling success. Example: You are playing a distress sound and switch to a coyote, fox, owl or hawk call to simulate a predator killing a rabbit which in turn would trigger a territorial response from the predator that resides in the area. You could also switch from a prey distress to mobbing crows or ravens fighting over food which would immediately bring crows or ravens into the area to create an environment that will look more natural to the predator. The sounds listed below are not downloadable. If you would like to hear some of the sounds listed below, give us a call and we will be happy to play them for you. NOTE: The following abbreviations are used in the sound list below. A=adult, B=baby, D=distress, G=growls, F=female, M=male, Y=young |
Animal Sounds
Antelope Fawn D (calls antelope and most predators) Arctic Fox
Arctic Fox A M Call (calls fox and predators)
Bat Brown Big D Bat Brown Little D Beaver
Beaver A M Call (calls beavers and coyotes) Beaver B (calls beavers and coyotes) Bears
Black Bear A Aggressive (calls mature bears) Black Bear A D (calls bears) Black Bear A Fighting (calls mature bears) Black Bear Begging (6 months old-calls bears and predators) Black Bear B D 1 (1 month old-calls bears and most predators) Black Bear B D 4 (4 months old-calls bears and most predators) Black Bear B (whining-calls bears)
Birds Bobwhite Quail D (calls most predators) Bluebird D (calls birds and most predators) Blue Jay D (ambiance call- also calls all predators) Blue Jay Baby D (ambiance call-also calls all predators) Canadian Geese Agressive Calls (calls geese and predators) Canadian Geese D (calls predators) Chickadee D (calls all predators) Chicken D (calls all predators) Gray Catbird Baby D (calls all predators) Gull D (used to disperse gulls and call predators) Loon (wail, yodel, tremolo,duet) Mocking Bird D (calls all predators) Magpie Alarms (calls all predators) Partridge D (calls all predators) Peacock Call (locating turkeys) Peacock Aggressive (locating turkeys) Pileated Woodpecker Aggressive (calls birds and all predators) Pileated Woodpecker D (calls birds and all predators) Red Winged Blackbird D (calls birds and all predators) Robin Baby D (calls birds and all predators) Rooster D (calls all predators) Snow Geese D (predators) Starling D (calls all predators) Starling B D (calls all predators) Wren D(calls birds and all predators) Whip-poor-will (calls whip-poor-wills and ambience call)
Bobcats & Cats
Bobcat A G (calls bobcats and ambiance call) Bobcats Fighting (calls coyotes, bobcats & other predators) Bobcat M D (calls coyotes, bobcats & other predators) Bobcat F D (calls coyotes, bobcats & other predators) Bobcat F In Heat Moans (calls bobcats) Bobcat F In Heat Call (calls bobcats) Bobcat F A Call (calls bobcats) Bobcat F A Greeting Call (calls bobcats) Bobcats Mating (calls coyotes, bobcats & other predators) Bobcat-Gray Fox (fighting, calls coyotes, bobcats & other predators) Bobcat B D (calls coyotes, bobcats & other predators) Bobcat Y Call (calls coyotes, bobcats & other predators) Bobcat Y D (calls coyotes, bobcats & other predators) Bobcat Y Growls (calls coyotes, bobcats & other predators) Cat A D (calls bobcats & predators) Cat B D (calls bobcats & predators) Caribou Caribou Bull (calls caribou & wolves)
Cougar A F Aggressive (calls male and female cougars) Cougar A F In Heat (calls male & female cougars) Cougar A F Calls (calls male and female cougars) Cougar A F Calling Young (calls cougars) Cougar A M Territorial (calls male and female cougars) Cougar A M Communicative (calls other cougars) Cougar Y Whistle (calls male and female cougars) Coyotes
Coyote A F Barks (calls coyotes) Coyote Female Barks 2 (calls coyotes) Coyote A M Barks (calls coyotes) Coyote 8 Month Distress (calls coyotes) Coyote A D (calls coyotes) Coyote A Submissive (calls coyotes) Coyote A M Communication Howls (locator call) Coyote A F Communicative (locator call) Coyote Alpha A F Territorial Call (calls all coyotes) Coyote Y F Territorial Call (calls all coyotes) Coyote Y F Howls (calls all coyotes) Coyote Female Aggressive (calls coyotes) Coyote Female Submissive 2 (calls coyotes) Coyote A F Breeding Howls (calls coyotes) Coyote F Breeding Howls (calls coyotes) Coyote F Breeding Howls 2 (calls coyotes) Coyote Female Lonely (calls coyotes) Coyote Female Lonely 2 (calls coyotes) Coyote F Social Howls (calls coyotes) Coyote F Social Howls 2 (calls coyotes) Coyote M Breeding Howls (calls coyotes) Coyote M Breeding Howls 2 (calls coyotes) Coyote M Breeding Howls 3 (calls coyotes) Coyote Male Distress (calls coyotes) Coyote M Social Howls (calls coyotes) Coyote Adults Fighting (fighting over food-calls coyotes) Coyote A Growls (calls coyotes) Coyote A Hunting Whines (creates a territorial response) Coyote A Beta M Challenge (creates a territorial response) Coyote A M Challenge (alpha coyote-creates a territorial response) Coyote A M Territorial (creates a territorial response) Coyote M Territorial (creates a territorial response) Coyote M Territorial 2 (creates a territorial response) Coyote M Territorial Howls 3 (creates a territorial response) Coyote Y M Territorial Aggressive (creates a territorial challenge) Coyote Y M Territorial (creates a territorial challenge) Coyote A M&F Territorial (creates a territorial response) Coyote A Dominant M (locator call-creates a territorial response) Coyote A M Rally Howl (creates a territorial response) Coyote A M Group Rally Howl (creates a territorial response) Coyote A M Aggressive (used to get target coyotes more aggressive) Coyote A M Challenge Duet (2 male coyotes-creates a territorial response) Coyote A Pair Aggressive (creates a territorial response) Coyote A M Communicative (locator call-creates a territorial response) Coyote A M&F Howling (locater call-creates a territorial response) Coyote Pups 5 (5 abandoned pups whining-calls coyotes) Coyote Pup Whining (1 lost pup-calls coyotes) Coyote Pup Distress 3 (3 weeks old-calls coyotes) Coyote Pup Distress 10 (10 weeks old-calls coyotes) Coyote Pup Distress Growls (8 weeks old-calls coyotes) Coyote Pup Submissive (1 pup 5 months old-calls coyotes) Coyote Pups Howling (calls coyotes-5 months old) Coyote Y Group Howl (locator call) Coyote Y Single Howls (calls coyotes) CROWS
Crow D HP (high pitch distress made when under attack by a predator) Crow D LP (low pitch distress sound made when injured) Crow Dying (dying crow) Crow 4 Months D Crow 4 Months Dying Crow Y Communicative (calls crows and predators) Crow Y Alarms (calls crows and predators) Crow Y D (calls crows and predators) Crow B Food Begging (calls crows and predators) Crow B Alarms (calls crows and predators) Crow B Distress (calls crows and predators) Crows Mobbing (approx. 25 crows) Crows Many (approx. 3000 crows) Crow & Barred Owl (crows mobbing owl) Crow & Great-horned Owl (crows mobbing owl) Crow Single Alarm Calls (alerts other crows to territorial intruders) Crow Mobbing & Alarms Domestic Animals Canine Puppy D (calls coyotes) Cow A (calling calves-ambience call) Cow Calf D (calls coyotes, & other predators) Goat B D (calls all predators) Guinea Pig D (calls all predators) Lamb B D (calls all predators)
Elk Bull Bugles (calls bull elk) Elk Cow (calls elk) Elk Fawn D (calls elk and most predators) Exotic Animals Lions Fighting Lion Male Calling After Fight Lion Male Territorial Call Hyena Group Call Hyena Male Call Leopard (various calls) Jaguar (various calls) Tigers (various calls) Zebra (various calls) Fisher
Fisher Aggressive Laugh (calls fishers and ambiance call) Fisher D (calls all predators and fishers) Gray Fox Gray Fox A M D (calls gray fox and coyotes) Gray Fox A F D (calls gray fox and coyotes) Gray Fox Y D (calls gray fox and coyotes) Gray Fox B D (calls gray fox and coyotes) Gray Fox B Calling (calls gray fox and coyotes) Gray Fox Barks (calls gray fox and coyotes) Gray Fox A Growls (calls gray fox and coyotes) Gray Fox Mating (calls gray fox and coyotes) Gray Fox Fighting (calls gray fox and coyotes) Gray Fox Challenge Call Ground Hog
Ground Hog Whistle (calls groundhogs and ambience call) Groundhog A D (calls all predators and groundhogs) Groundhog B D (calls all predators and groundhogs) Ground Squirrel Townson's Ground Squirrel D (calls most predators) Richardson's Ground Squirrel D (calls most predators) Richardson's Ground Squirrel Whistle (calls Richardson's ground squirrels) Richardson's Ground Squirrel Chirps (calls Richardson's ground squirrels and predators) Hawks and Falcons Bald Eagle (basic call) Broad-winged Hawk (basic call and whistles) Coopers’ Hawk Distress Golden eagle (basic call) Goshawk (many sounds) Harris’ Hawk (basic call and scream) Kestrel Falcon (distress, begging and female call) Merlin Falcon distress Osprey (aggressive call) Peregrine Falcon (basic call) Prairie Falcon (basic scream) Red-shouldered Hawk (basic call and screams) Red-tailed Hawk (chirps and screams) Rough-legged Hawk (chirps and screams) Red Shouldered Hawk D (calls most predators) Redtail Hawk Screams (ambience call) Javelina & Pigs Javelina A D (calls coyotes and cougars) Javelina Jaw Popping (calls coyotes and cougars) Javelina Young Distress (calls coyotes and cougars) Javelina Baby Call (calls coyotes and cougars) Pig A D (calls all predators) Pig B D (calls all predators) LYNX
Lynx A M Call (calls lynx) Lynx A Growls (calls lynx and ambience call) Lynx F Calling Babies (calls lynx) Lynx F A Call (calls lynx) Lynx F Mating Calls (calls lynx and predators) Lynx B D (calls lynx and other predators) Mink
Mink A F D (calls mink and all predators) Mink B D (calls mink and all predators) Moose
Moose A Bull Aggressive (calls moose) Moose A Bull Reply Call (calls moose) Moose Bull Antler Thrashing (calls moose) Moose A Bull Grunts (calls moose) Moose A Cow Aggressive (calls moose) Moose A Cow Mating Calls (calls moose) Moose Calf Blats (calls moose and predators) Moose Y Cow D (calls predators and moose) Mouse
Mouse Deer (calls all predators) Mouse Vole (calls all predators) Mouse Vole Forest (calls all predators) Pack Rat (calls all predators) Mule Deer
Mule Deer Fawn D (calls mule deer and most predators) Mule Deer Fawn Blats (calls mule deer and most predators) Muskrat
Muskrat B D (calls muskrats and all predators) Otter
Otter A D (calls predators and otters)
Owls Barn Owl-4 (typical call, female courtship calls, male courtship calls and male alarm screams) Barred Owl Call (calls barred owls, locates turkeys & ambiance call) Barred Owl D (calls all predators and owls) Barred Owl-6 (typical call, territorial call, aggressive call, male and female cackling duet and distress call) Boreal Owl-3 (typical call, aggressive call and alarm call) Burrowing Owl-2 (typical call and alarm aggressive) Great Gray Owl-4 (invitational call, female whoop, nest greeting and territorial call) Great-horned Owl-8 (typical call, reply call, M & F territorial, aggressive call, female scream, female chittering, young begging call and mating call) Long-eared Owl-3 (hoots, alarm call, chittering and aggressive call) Northern Hawk Owl (typical call) Pygmy Owl-2 (whistles and toots) Saw-whet Owl-2 (typical call and female) Screech Owl-4 (typical call, aggressive call, whinny and chittering) Short-eared Owl (territorial call) Snowy Owl-3 calls (adult communication whistles, male and female calls) Spotted Owl-5 (typical call, territorial call, aggressive call, male and female courtship calls)
Pine Marten
Pine Marten D (calls marten and other predators) Pine Marten Growls (calls marten and ambiance call)
Porcupine B D (calls all predators) Prairie Dog
Prairie Dog D (calls all predators) Rabbits Barred Hare A D (related to the jackrabbit-calls all predators) Cottontail A D (calls most predators) Cottontail B D (calls most predators) Cottontail Y D (calls most predators) European Hare D (calls all predators) Fleming Hare A D (calls all predators) Fleming Hare B D (calls all predators) Jack Rabbit Black Tailed A D (calls all predators) Jack Rabbit Black Tailed Y D (calls all predators) Jack Rabbit White Tailed (calls all predators) Pygmy Cottontail D (calls all predators) Snowshoe Hare D (calls all predators) Raccoons
Raccoon A&B Fighting (calls raccoons and coyotes) Raccoon A D (calls raccoons and predators) Raccoon A Growls (calls raccoons and predators) Raccoon B D (calls raccoons and predators) Raccoon B Fighting (calls raccoons and predators) Raccoon B Calling (calls raccoons and predators) Raccoon Y Growls (calls raccoons and predators) Ravens Raven A D (calls predators) Raven B D (calls predators) Ravens Fighting (fighting over food-calls predators) Raven Calls (various calls-calls predators) Red Fox Red Fox A Alarm Calls (calls fox and ambiance call) Red Fox A D (calls all predators and red fox) Red Fox A F Mating Calls (calls fox and coyotes) Red Fox Y Fighting (calls all predators) Red Fox A M Mating Calls (calls fox and coyotes) Red Fox B D (calls fox and coyotes) Red Fox D 6 (6month old-for coyotes and fox) Red Fox Y Begging (calls fox and coyotes) Red Fox Y Calls (calls fox and coyotes)
Ringneck Pheasant Ringneck Pheasant A M D (calls all predators) Ringneck Pheasant A F D (calls all predators) Ringneck Pheasant Y M D (calls all predators) Ringtail
Ringtail Laugh (calls ringtails) Ringtail D (calls predators) Squirrels
Squirrel: Black Squirrel D (calls squirrels and most predators) Squirrel: Fox Squirrel D (calls all predators) Squirrel: Gray Squirrel D (calls all predators and gray squirrels) Squirrel: Gray Squirrel Growls (ambiance call) Squirrel: Red Squirrel D (calls all predators and red squirrels) Striped Skunk
Striped Skunk A D (calls all predators) Striped Skunk B D (calls all predators) Wolves
Timber Wolf Alpha M Rally Howl (calls wolves & locator call) Timber Wolf Group Howls (locater howls) Timber Wolf A M&F Howls (calls wolves & locator call) Timber Wolf Y M&F Howls (calls wolves & locator call) Timber Wolf A M Challenge Howls (calls wolves & locator call) Timber Wolf A M Howls (calls wolves & locator call) Timber Wolf Y M Howls (calls wolves & locator call) Timber Wolf Y F Howls (calls wolves-locator call) Timber Wolf Pup D (calls wolves and coyotes) Timber Wolf Pups (lost pups whining-calls wolves and coyotes) Weasel
Weasel D (calls all predators) Weasel aggressive laugh (calls weasels & predators) Whitetail Deer Whitetail Doe Grunts Whitetail Doe D (calls most predators) Whitetail Dominant Buck Grunts (calls bucks) Whitetail Dominant Buck Snort Wheeze (big buck challenge call) Whitetail Fawn Blats (calls whitetail and most predators) Whitetail Fawn D (calls whitetail and most predators) Whitetail Bucks Fighting (calls bucks) Whitetail Heavy Antler Rattling (calls bucks) Whitetail Light Antler Rattling (calls bucks) Wild Turkey
Wild Turkey Tom Gobbles (calls turkeys) Wild Turkey Hen Chirps (calls turkeys) Wild Turkey Hen Feeding (calls turkeys) Wild Turkey Hen Purrs (calls turkeys) Wild Turkey Tom Spit-drum (calls turkeys) Wild Turkey Tom Aggressive (calls turkeys) Waterfowl Black Duck (male) Black Ducks (feeding) Brants’ Geese (typicalcalls) Canadian Geese Aggressive (used for predators) Canadian Geese Adult Call (calls canadian geese and predators) Canadian Geese Distress (calls canadian geese and predators) Canadian Geese Flying (calls canadian and other waterfowl) Cyrus Crane (typical call) Mallard Duck (male) Mallard Ducks (feeding) Nene Geese (typical calls) Pintails (feeding) Ross’s Geese (typical calls) Sandhill Crane (typical call) Sandhill Crane (aggressive call) Sandhill Crane (feeding) Snow Geese Feeding In Water (calls snow geese) Snow Geese Flying (calls snow geese) Snow Geese Distress (calls snow geese and predators) Trumpeter Swan (various calls) Whistling Swan (various calls) Whooping Swan (aggressive call) Wolverine
Wolverine Fighting (fighting over food) |
“The free Cornell app, built on the lab’s industry-leading bioacoustics science, is by far the most accurate.” – Flying Lessons
“BirdNET lets you record snippets of song and upload them for instant analysis.” – Wall Street Journal
“Record some chirping and it will tell you what kind of bird is making the sound.” – Washington Post
“You don’t need to be an expert to get started.” – New York Times
How can computers learn to recognize birds from sounds? The Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the Chemnitz University of Technology are trying to find an answer to this question. Our research is mainly focused on the detection and classification of avian sounds using machine learning – we want to assist experts and citizen scientist in their work of monitoring and protecting our birds. BirdNET is a research platform that aims at recognizing birds by sound at scale. We support various hardware and operating systems such as Arduino microcontrollers, the Raspberry Pi, smartphones, web browsers, workstation PCs, and even cloud services. BirdNET is a citizen science platform as well as an analysis software for extremely large collections of audio. BirdNET aims to provide innovative tools for conservationists, biologists, and birders alike.
This page features some of our public demonstrations, including a live stream demo, a demo for the analysis of audio recordings, an Android and iOS app, and its visualization of submissions. All demos are based on an artificial neural network we call BirdNET. We are constantly improving the features and performance of our demos – please make sure to check back with us regularly.
We are currently featuring 984 of the most common species of North America and Europe. We will add more species and more regions in the near future. Click here for the list of supported species.
Have any questions or want to use BirdNET to analyze a large data collection?
Please let us know (we speak English and German):
Live Stream Demo
Analysis of Audio Recordings
Live Submissions Map
Twitter Bot
GitHub Repository
Make a donation
Have you ever heard a bird sound you couldn’t ID? Learn how to use our BirdNET smartphone app to identify your mystery birds on a trip through Sapsucker Woods!
Learn how to identify birds by sound with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s free BirdNET mobile app and website. Advances in machine learning are making it easier to identify birds by their sounds. Q&A with BirdNET developer Stefan Kahl.
The live stream demo processes a live audio stream from a microphone outside the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, located in the Sapsucker Woods sanctuary in Ithaca, New York. This demo features an artificial neural network trained on the 180 most common species of the Sapsucker Woods area. Our system splits the audio stream into segments, converts those segments into spectrograms (visual representations of the audio signal) and passes the spectrograms through a convolutional neural network, all in near-real-time. The web page accumulates the species probabilities of the last five seconds into one prediction. If the probability for one species reaches 15% or higher, you can see a marker indicating an estimated position of the corresponding sound in the scrolling spectrogram of the live stream. This demo is intended for large screens.
Follow this link to view the demo.
Reliable identification of bird species in recorded audio files would be a transformative tool for researchers, conservation biologists, and birders. This demo provides a web interface for the upload and analysis of audio recordings. Based on an artificial neural network featuring almost 1,000 of the most common species of North America and Europe, this demo shows the most probable species for every second of the recording. Please note: We need to transfer the audio recordings to our servers in order to process the files. This demo is intended for large screens.
Click here to download a demo recording.
This app lets you record a file using the internal microphone of your Android or iOS device and an artificial neural network will tell you the most probable bird species present in your recording. We use the native sound recording feature of smartphones and tablets as well as the GPS-service to make predictions based on location and date. Give it a try! Please note: We need to transfer the audio recordings to our servers in order to process the files. Recording quality may vary depending on your device. External microphones will probably increase the recording quality.
Note: We consider our app a prototype and by no means a final product. If you encounter any instabilities or have any question regarding the functionality, please let us know. We will add new features in the near future, you will receive all updates automatically.
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Dedicated to advancing the understanding and protection of the natural world, the Cornell Lab joins with people from all walks of life to make new scientific discoveries, share insights, and galvanize conservation action. Our Johnson Center for Birds and Biodiversity in Ithaca, New York, is a global center for the study and protection of birds and biodiversity, and the hub for millions of citizen-science observations pouring in from around the world.
Chemnitz University of Technology
Chemnitz University of Technology is a public university in Chemnitz, Germany. With over 11,000 students, it is the third largest university in Saxony. It was founded in 1836 as Königliche Gewerbeschule (Royal Mercantile College) and was elevated to a Technische Hochschule, a university of technology, in 1963. With approximately 1,500 employees in science, engineering and management, TU Chemnitz counts among the most important employers in the region.
Stefan Kahl
I am a postdoc within the K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the Chemnitz University of Technology. My work includes the development of AI applications using convolutional neural networks for bioacoustics, environmental monitoring, and the design of mobile human-computer interaction. I am the main developer of BirdNET and our demonstrators.
Ashakur Rahaman
I am a research analyst within the K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the community manager of the BirdNET app. I am actively involved in environmental conservation through scientific inquiries and public engagement. Understanding the relationship between natural sounds and the effects of anthropogenic factors on the communication space of animals is my passion.
Connor Wood
My primary interest as a postdoc within the K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology is understanding how wildlife populations and ecological communities respond to environmental change, and thus contributing to their conservation. I use audio data collected during large-scale monitoring projects to study North American bird communities.
Amir Dadkhah
I am a software developer and computer scientist at the Chemnitz University of Technology with focus on applied computer science and human-centered design. I am the main developer of the iOS version of the BirdNET app.
Shyam Madhusudhana
As a postdoc within the K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, my current research involves developing solutions for automatic source separation in continuous ambient audio streams and the development of acoustic deep-learning techniques for unsupervised multi-class classification in the big-data realm. I have been actively involved with IEEE’s Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) and, currently, I serve as the coordinator of Technology Committees.
Holger Klinck
I joined the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in December 2015 and took over the directorship of the K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics (formerly known as Bioacoustics Research Program) in August 2016. I am also a Faculty Fellow with the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future at Cornell University. In addition, I hold an Adjunct Assistant Professor position at Oregon State University (OSU).
BirdNET is a research project that relies on external funding. We want to develop new features, add more species, expand our services, and most importantly, provide a great experience for birders and those who want to be one.
With your donation you can help us to achieve these goals.
Every amount is valuable! It helps us cover server costs and keep our research going.
Are you currently researching a topic where BirdNET could be helpful, or do you have an idea for a research project? Let us know! You would like to support us in the area of software and app development?
Please contact us.
We are open to your ideas and would love to talk with you.
Send us an email:
Wood, C. M., Kahl, S., Chaon, P., Peery, M. Z., & Klinck, H. (2021). Survey coverage, recording duration and community composition affect observed species richness in passive acoustic surveys. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. [PDF]
Kahl, S., Wood, C. M., Eibl, M., & Klinck, H. (2021). BirdNET: A deep learning solution for avian diversity monitoring. Ecological Informatics, 61, 101236. [Source]
Kahl, S., Clapp, M., Hopping, W., Goëau, H., Glotin, H., Planqué, R., … & Joly, A. (2020). Overview of BirdCLEF 2020: Bird Sound Recognition in Complex Acoustic Environments. In CLEF 2020 (Working Notes). [PDF]
Joly, A., Goëau, H., Kahl, S., Deneu, B., Servajean, M., Cole, E., … & Lorieul, T. (2020). Overview of LifeCLEF 2020: A System-Oriented Evaluation of Automated Species Identification and Species Distribution Prediction In CLEF 2020 (Working Notes). [PDF]
Kahl, S. (2020). Identifying Birds by Sound: Large-scale Acoustic Event Recognition for Avian Activity Monitoring. Dissertation. Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany. [PDF]
Kahl, S., Stöter, F. R., Goëau, H., Glotin, H., Planqué, R., Vellinga, W. P., & Joly, A. (2019). Overview of BirdCLEF 2019: Large-scale Bird Recognition in Soundscapes.
In CLEF 2019 (Working Notes). [PDF]
Joly, A., Goëau, H., Botella, C., Kahl, S., Servajean, M., Glotin, H., … & Müller, H. (2019). Overview of LifeCLEF 2019: Identification of Amazonian plants, South & North American birds, and niche prediction.
In International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages (pp. 387-401). Springer, Cham. [PDF]
Electronic Duck Call Sounds free. download full
Joly, A., Goëau, H., Botella, C., Kahl, S., Poupard, M., Servajean, M., … & Schlüter, J. (2019). LifeCLEF 2019: Biodiversity Identification and Prediction Challenges.
In European Conference on Information Retrieval (pp. 275-282). Springer, Cham. [PDF]
Kahl, S., Wilhelm-Stein, T., Klinck, H., Kowerko, D., & Eibl, M. (2018). Recognizing Birds from Sound – The 2018 BirdCLEF Baseline System.
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.07177. [PDF]
Goëau, H., Kahl, S., Glotin, H., Planqué, R., Vellinga, W. P., & Joly, A. (2018). Overview of BirdCLEF 2018: monospecies vs. soundscape bird identification.
In CLEF 2018 (Working Notes). [PDF]
Electronic Duck Call Sounds Free Download Mp3
Kahl, S., Wilhelm-Stein, T., Klinck, H., Kowerko, D., & Eibl, M. (2018). A Baseline for Large-Scale Bird Species Identification in Field Recordings.
In CLEF 2018 (Working Notes). [PDF]
Electronic Duck Call Sounds Free Download Windows 10
Kahl, S., Wilhelm-Stein, T., Hussein, H., Klinck, H., Kowerko, D., Ritter, M., & Eibl, M. (2017). Large-Scale Bird Sound Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks.
In CLEF 2018 (Working Notes). [PDF]